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Our quality approach

Our labels of excellence

In order to ensure the quality of our service we successfully obtained different labels which allow us to offer you the best services

  • Certificate of Excellence on Tripadvisor in 2016
  • Certified ‘Qualité sud de France » since 2012
  • Certified « Qualité Tourisme » Quality Tourism since 2012
  • Family label since 2015 

The labels are based on a reference frame composed of a series of commitments, guarantees that materialize through grids and specifications, compliance with these commitments is checked by an external audit.
The satisfaction of our customers is subject to an ongoing assessment.

The label FAMILY PLUS commits to ensuring that families and children may benefit from adequate reception conditions and have a great holiday!

90% of our clients are satisfied with their stay at del mar village

(source : satisfaction questionnaire distributed season 2018)